Like most online pranks, Omegle pranks are mostly harmless fun. They tend to include impersonation, either of a famous person or of someone from an exotic locale. And almost invariably, pranksters who claim they are female are actually male and just want to see if they can get away with an outrageous prank or to see how far they can go with an impersonation until they are discovered.
For more mature chatters, Omegle pranks are an annoying waste of time, but for students and young people, devising and experimenting with elaborate pranks and roleplays on Omegle can be entertaining on a dull day. The key to successful Omegle pranks is to get the victim to laugh along with you so that both of you are enjoying the prank. The only time a malicious prank may be appropriate is when dealing with a malicious impostor. Otherwise, an imitation of a celebrity that is so obviously exaggerated as to be an enjoyable parody, or an outlandish description of yourself as a Bollywood movie princess when you are really a graduate student in computer science from California, can be an enjoyable cyber-comedy performance for prankster and victim alike.
Harmless and fun Omegle pranks can actually be entertaining, even if they grow stale after a while. The successful Omegle prankster truly involves his mark in his prank, so that even if he or she does fall for it at first, it will only end in peals of laughter once the deception is unraveled.