, the online roulette chat room, is very similar to Chatroulette and lets you have video conversations with strangers. The initial thought of this Cam 2 cam site was that the sites appearance was very busy and everything was packed onto one page, but as you look further it’s great to have all the information in one spot.
All of the features on are nice to have. You can join chat rooms with multiple people including a translator so you can read the comments in any language.
You also have the ability to take screenshots, and save video. There is also an option for teens, so that the video is a little more appropriate for younger people.
Overall, all of the options right down to what country you want the people to be sorted from is nice to have. Things to work on could be an easier to read chat box on the home page because right now it’s hard to keep track of who is talking and what they are talking about.